Disciplinary Action Form

Disciplinary Action Form


No one likes having to discipline employees for unacceptable behavior, poor performance, or other issues, but it’s a necessary part of being a manager. Use this form to record cases of disciplinary action.

  • Employee Name
  • Date
  • Department
  • Your performance was found unsatisfactory for the reason(s) set forth below:
    • Oral Written
    • Written Warning
    • Written Warning & Suspend
    • Final Written
    • Discharge
  • Write Details
    • Your failure to improve or avoid a recurrence will be cause for further disciplinary action in accordance with company policy.
    • Date of next meeting for follow-up
  • Improvement Plan
  • A copy of this warning was personally delivered to the above employee by
    • Supervisor Signature, Date
  • I have received and read this warning. I have been informed that a copy of this notice will be placed in my personnel file in HR.
    • Employee Signature, Date