Exit Interview Form

Exit Interview Form


Exit Interview Questionnaire

  • What caused you to begin looking for a new job?
  • Why are you leaving your current job?
  • What was the main reason you accepted your new job?
  • Was the job here what you expected, based on the job description and hiring process? Please explain.
  • Do you feel that you were given the right resources and support to do your job well? Please explain.
  • What additional training, skills, qualifications, or resources should future employees have for your role?
  • Was the workload distributed fairly between you and other employees?
  • Describe your best day on the job.
  • Describe your worst day on the job
  • What did you like the most about your job?
  • What did you like the least?
  • How would you describe the culture of our company?
  • What would you say to future employees who have your job?
  • How did you get along with your manager? Were you able to freely discuss issues with your manager?
  • What could your manager have done differently to make your job better?
  • Were there any morale issues that you were aware of?
  • Did you feel that your ideas were valued, and that you were appreciated?
  • What could we do better?
  • Are there any issues that remain unresolved that you think need our attention?