Internal Promotion Email Announcement

Internal Promotion Email Announcement


Let your employees know about an internal promotion or transfer by sending an email from your HR team member or the hiring manager.


This email will:

  • Inform staff about the transfer or promotion. This let’s them know about the employee’s new role and responsibilities.
  • Share the excitement of seeing colleagues grow within the company.
  • Send the message to all employees that your organization supports internal movements and promotions.

Sample email to announce internal promotion

Subject Line: Welcoming [Employee’s name] to [team / department]

Hi team,

I’m very pleased to announce that [Employee’s name] is [mention new role, department, or location].

[Employee’s name] has achieved great things within our organization, and has helped us [mention key accomplishments]. Now, [he/she/they] is going to bring [his/her/their] knowledge and experience to [mention new role].

Please join me in congratulating [Employee’s name] and wishing [him/her/they] best luck in [his/her/their] new role.

All the best,

[Your name]

[Your email signature]