Interview Reminder Email Template

Interview Reminder Email Template


Use this email template to remind candidates about an interview, and give them important information before their interview.


Remind candidates about the following:

  • The day and time of the interview
  • Any documents needed such as ID or portfolio bring their ID or other documents (e.g. portfolio or assessment) to the interview
  • Office directions and location
  • Parking instructions
  • Or login instructions for phone or video interview

Keep this email brief and make it clear from the subject line that it’s a reminder for your upcoming interview.

Interview reminder email template:

Example 1 (in-person interview)

Subject line: Reminder for interview with [Company_name] / [Tomorrow’s] interview for the [Job_title] position

Hi [Candidate_Name],

We’re looking forward to meeting you [tomorrow]! [The recruiter/ hiring manager’ name] will welcome you at [time] in our offices.

[Here’s a link with directions to our offices. Feel free to call me at 555-6666 if you need further information.]

See you soon,

[Your name]

[Email signature]

Interview reminder email template:

Example 2 (video interview)

Subject line: Reminder for interview with [Company_name] tomorrow

Hi [Candidate_Name],

We’re looking forward to our interview tomorrow! [The recruiter/ hiring manager name] will meet you over our video platform [name of vendor].

[To log in to the call, click on this link and then use the following details:

Username: JobTitle_Company

Password: 123456

If possible, try to connect a couple minutes earlier to make sure your camera and microphone are working properly. If you have any technical issues, feel free to contact me via email or call me at 555-6666.]

Talk to you soon!

[Your name]

[Email signature]