New Hire – Company Policy Checklist

New Hire – Company Policy Checklist


Key company policies are a big part of new hire onboarding. They help new employees settle in and pick up on the company culture.


Company policies should address:

  • Do’s and don’ts in the workplace
  • Appropriate behaviors and expectations
  • Employee obligations and rights

Provide an employee handbook prior to their start date so they get a chance to review policies and procedures ahead of time.

A policy presentation is a great way for HR to go over this information, and also answer any questions.

Company Policies to help you cover the basics

Compensation policy

  • Payroll schedule
  • Direct deposit process and dates
  • Legal terms about overtime pay, if applicable
  • Job performance-related bonuses

Employee leave policy

  • Paid time off (vacation and travel)
  • Unpaid time off
  • Non-operation and holidays
  • Sick leave
  • Parental leave
  • Special occasions (e.g. jury duty)

Performance review policy

  • Schedule for performance reviews
  • Performance appraisal software
  • Goals and objectives
  • Goal-setting process
  • Less formal methods to collect and share feedback (e.g. regular 1:1s)

Workplace regulations

  • Daily schedule
  • Breaks
  • Personal workstation management
  • Internet usage for personal matters
  • Parking restrictions

Workplace safety policy

  • Emergency exit locations
  • Guidelines for security
  • Visitors’ policy

Employee confidentiality policy

  • Classified information
  • Sharing and storing confidential documents
  • Securing computers and other tech

Benefits and perks overview

  • Health and life insurance plan
  • Stock options
  • Mobile plan
  • Company car
  • Bonus options
  • Wellness programs
  • Education reimbursement

Remote work policy

  • Request work-from-home days
  • Employee rules while working remotely
  • Out-of-office best practices
  • Any limitations, such as mandatory office time during launches

Employee travel policy

  • Frequency and timing of travel
  • Travel expenses covered
  • Reimbursement policies
  • Travel documents required

Employee development and education policies

  • Regular training your company conducts
  • Conferences and workshops
  • Resources (subscriptions, books, software)
  • Online courses
  • Education budget