Offer Letter Template

Offer Letter Template


Here’s the offer letter template we use at GlobalTA&HR when we bring on team members. Feel free to adapt it and make it your own! 👍


Dear [first name],

We’ve had so much fun learning more about you over the past few days! It is my pleasure to offer you a position at [company name] in the role of [role title]. In this role, you’ll be reporting to the [manager’s name], Head of our [team name] team.

Your expected starting date is the [date].

As a member of the team at [Company_Name], we’ll be offering you the following compensation and benefits:

  • Annual gross salary of MMK[total annual salary]
  • Private health and dental insurance plan
  • Computer workstation of your choice
  • Paid vacation leave per annum
  • Eligibility for any additional employee benefits that the company may provide in the future

This offer is valid until the [date]. To accept the offer, simply hit reply and confirm that you agree with the proposed terms. Or, if you prefer to accept the offer by phone, feel free to call [employee name] on [employee phone number].

We can’t wait to have you on the [company name] team!

Kind regards,

[Sender Name]



Company Representative (Sign)


Company Representative (Print)





Applicant (Sign)


Applicant (Print)



Disclaimer: These offer letter recommendations should only be used as guidelines. Please only select the portions that apply to your company. Neither the author nor GlobalTA&HR will assume legal liability for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information provided in whole or in part within this article.